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  • Drone Air pollution monitoring

UAV Gas Detection, find the harmful gas and air pollution, Drone air monitoring sensor can detect the elements including temperature, humidity, PM2.5, PM10, O3, NO2, SO2, CO, VOCs, H2S, NH3, HCl, CxHy, H2 and more.

The UAV Gas detection sensor can comprehensively analyze spatial distributions of various gases, quickly identify sources and transportation of air pollutants and PMs.
Drone air monitoring sensors can be applied to pollution source locating, environmental emergency monitoring, harmful gas detection, etc.

The Advantage of Drone Air Quality Monitoring

  • High Efficiency

    it can significantly improve the air monitoring efficiency 60 times according to our user feedback.fast and high efficient.
  • Quick Localization

    Geo-referenced gas concentration data and analysis software help users quickly identify sources and transportation of the air pollution.
  • Reduced Risk

    The drone can fly to dangerous areas to collect air quality data instead of personnel to lower the risk.
  • Flexibility

    Flexibly choose aerial or ground scan path to fit different scenarios with short preparation time.
DJI Matrice 210 drone air monitoring

Drone gas detection sensor for DJI Matrice

The gas detection sensor support DJI Payload SDK (PSDK), which can seamlessly connect with DJI M210 / M210 RTK drones, and can be used in DJI's route planning and flight control software view the working status and monitoring values of the sensors in real-time in the DJI Pilot App.

The sensors work with other drone

Air Monitoring pollution sensor can work on other drones (Non-DJI), VTOL , or Vehicle mount, handheld, we offer a data link connecting the sensor with the ground station (PC or pad ) , that transmitted the air data to the ground station, the software also can be installed in PC or pad,

Drone gas detector software

The air monitoring software real-time generates air pollution concentration distribution map, contains the geographic longitude, latitude, altitude, time information, and the air quality data display in the software. different colors with air values automatically mark air quality.

Drone Gas Detector Element

The UAV air monitoring sensor can detect the gas included temperature, humidity, PM2.5, PM10, SO2, CO, NO2, O3, VOCs, H2S, NH3, HCI, CO2, H2, CL2 and more on the way.

Air Pollution Monitoring sensor

  • The air monitoring sensor can be mounted on a drone, car (vehicle) or handheld, obtain accurate air pollution data with latitude, longitude, altitude and time stamps.
  • Data collection and analysis are performed simultaneously to meet a series of customer needs from data collection to result output.
  • ppb level detection accuracy, the world's leading gas detection probe, unique environment and zero offset compensation algorithm, ensure the sensor's excellent linearity, repeatability, data accuracy and extremely short response time.
  • After authoritative testing by the South China National Metrology and Testing Center, the sensor has demonstrated excellent accuracy and repeatability.
  • Flexible selection of sensing modules to detect up to 9 air pollutants and particulates simultaneously.

Drone Gas detection Process

The Whole process of Drone Gas detection

UAV harmful Gas detection process; UAV fly to the detection area ---- the monitoring sensor detects the air/gas quality ----  the data transmitted to the remote controller ( ground station ) ----- the data transmitted to the cloud--- the data transmitted to command center, all processes are in real-time.

UAV harmful gas detection

The Air Monitoring Sensors can used on multi-platform

The Drone Air Monitoring Sensor can use on Multi-rotor drone, VTOL, vehicle.

The data transmission of drone air monitoring

Data retrieval algorithm - when the connection between monitoring sensors and the ground station temporarily breaks down, all the collected data will be automatically transmitted to the receiving ground station after the connection is restored. the drone air monitoring sensor also backs up mission data to the onboard SD card at the same time.

Drone harmflu Gas detection

Real-time transmitted the data to ground stattion

The air/gas data transmitted to the ground station or the command center in real-time. the air monitoring analysis software can indicate the air index, location information (longitude, latitude, altitude ), according to the air quality index, different colors are marked and the value is displayed, marked on the live map.

UAV harmful gas detection

Drone Air monitoring sensor work with DJI Matrice 210

For DJI Enterprise drone, DJI Matrice 210, we develop the SDK, Fully support DJI Payload SDK, data transmitted via DJI datalink and displayed on DJI Pilot in real-time. based on DJI Matrice 210 high-quality and smart drone platform, it is highly recommended to use DJI Matrice 210 to mount the gas detection sensor.

DJI Matrice 210 drone air gas monitoring


UAV Air Monitoring System

Drone Air Quality Monitoring sensor

It can be used in drones, cars or handhelds to obtain accurate air pollution data with latitude, longitude, altitude, and time stamps, and transmit them to the ground stations in real-time.
The high-precision sensor, one task, accurately collects 9 kinds of air pollutant concentration distribution data.

UAV Air Monitoring analysis software

Support real-time data analysis, 3 types of data visualization methods: 2D grid/isoline pollution concentration distribution map, 3D point cloud pollution concentration distribution map, the pollution distribution is clear at a glance.
it can import Orthophoto (Aerial Survey), generate a PDF task report with one click.

Now the air quality monitoring sensor works with DJI Matrice 300, Matrice 350 drones, with high efficiency, and long endurance.

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4Th Floor,D Building,HangCheng Industry Park,QianJing No2 Road,XiXiang,BaoAn Dist,ShenZhen 518000, China

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